First Look | Da Sweet Blood of Jesus


The first image from Spike Lee’s upcoming film, Da Sweet Blood of Jesus, has been made available courtesy of our buddies at

Lee’s film, independently funded through his Kickstarter campaign, tells the story of “human beings who are addicted to blood. Funny, sexy and bloody. A new kind of love story (and not a remake of Blacula).”

SEE ALSO: ABFF ’14 | Festival Preview

Lee talked about being discreet about the film’s plot, stating, “I want to continue to be deliberately vague. It’s the type of film where, the less you know about it, the better it is. I know that is against the religion of film marketing. You see a trailer today, and you don’t have to see the movie. I understand; people really have to have a reason to go to the movie theater. Parking, babysitter, $20 for a bucket of popcorn. I understand the logic behind putting it all in the trailer. But I’m not a Hollywood studio, and so we took a different approach. Time will tell if the choice I made was the right one. It was something I thought about. I wanted some intrigue, some mystery about this film, because it’s not your standard Hollywood movie.”

SEE ALSO: Casting News | Michael K. Williams

The film stars Zaraah Abrahams, Stephen Tyrone Williams, Michael K. Williams and Felicia Pearson, Steven Hauck and Elvis Nolasco.

Da Sweet Blood of Jesus will have its World Premiere on Sunday, June 22 at the 18th Annual American Black Film Festival.

Check out the image below:
