StarAccess Event | Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain

Let Me Explain 1

This week, we have passes for the upcoming comedy film, Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain. To win your free pass to the advance screening in Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD, you MUST be a StarAccess movie club member and answer our trivia question below.


If you enter the contest WITHOUT StarAccess Membership, you will NOT be considered for passes to this promotion!!!!


Filmed at a sold-out performance at Madison Square Garden, comedian Kevin Hart delivers material from his 2012 “Let Me Explain” concert tour.

The film stars Dwayne Brown, Tonya George and Kevin Hart; Tim Story directs.

Let Me Explain 2

To make our past distribution more equitable, winners are only eligible to win once every 15 days!

All entrants need to be StarAccess members (if you have already joined, you don’t need to submit another application) AND submit their FULL NAME, your SCREENING MARKET and answer to the following question for a chance to win!

“Before Hart became a comedian, what was his occupation?

We will contact the winners at the conclusion of the contest.

Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain opens in theaters on July 3, 2013

Check out the trailer for the film, below:

128 thoughts on “StarAccess Event | Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain

  1. He was a shoe salesman. Terri Quintos, Washington DC screening market, please.

  2. Kevin Hart was a shoe salesman before he became a comedian.

    Domanique Cummings
    Washington, DC market

  3. Kevin Hart was a shoe salesman before he became a comedian.
    jeorge Benton
    Washington DC market

  4. Before doing comedy Kevin hart was a shoe salesman.
    Eimy Arias
    DC Market

  5. He ws a shoe salesman
    Baltimore, Hanover, Columbia and Hunt Valley, Maryland

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