“It’s always intense because we’re both that way. I know when I look over there and see him focused, and I’ll go by and give him a nod and he nods, that it is going to be all good. It stays intense, but Denzel was interesting. He knew when I was having hard days here. Every once in a while, which he never does, he would come sit next to me. I know he was doing it sometimes because he was curious, but mostly it was because he knew how hard it was for me. He would talk to me about when he was directing Fences. He would ask, ‘What lens is that?’ It would shift my mind. I knew he never does that stuff. I would tell him the lens and he would say, “Why are we using that one?” He would have a book and write them down, the lenses. We’d laugh a little, and I knew he was being a leader, in his way. He would know when I needed that.” – Antoine Fuqua describing Denzel Washington reputation for being no nonsense and precise on set during The Magnificent Seven
Reel Quotes | Antoine Fuqua