This week, we have passes for the 3D computer-animated buddy comedy, Free Birds.. To win your free pass to the advance screening in Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD, you MUST be a StarAccess movie club member and answer our trivia question below.
If you enter the contest WITHOUT StarAccess Membership, you will NOT be considered for passes to this promotion AND if you already have registered for StarAccess, you DON’T have to re-register!!!!
After being pardoned by the President of the United States, Reggie the Turkey (Owen Wilson) lives a comfortable life at Camp David enjoying pizza and telenovelas. On the other hand, Jake (Woody Harrelson) is the president and the only member of Turkeys Liberation Front. After initial rivalry and Jake bag kidnapping Reggie, they team up and hijack a time machine in a government lab and travel back in time to the first Thanksgiving to prevent turkeys from becoming the traditional holiday meal.
The film is directed by Jimmy Hayward and will feature the voices of Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson and Amy Poehler.
To make our past distribution more equitable, winners are only eligible to win once every 15 days!
All entrants need to be StarAccess members (if you have already joined, you don’t need to submit another application) AND submit their FULL NAME, your SCREENING MARKET and answer to the following question for a chance to win!
“Poehler was promoted from featured player to full cast member on “Saturday Night Live” in the middle of her first year on the show (2001-2002). Only ONE other SNL cast member had this distinction, who was it?”
We will contact the winners at the conclusion of the contest.
Free Birds opens in theaters on November 1, 2013
Check out the trailer for the film, below:
Eddie Murphy is another SNL cast member promoted in his first year on the show from featured to full cast member
I would welcome one pass, please, to the Washington, DC screening of Free Birds.
Eddie Murphy
DC market
Molly Shannon
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Kevin Cyrus
Washington, DC
Brian Marvin
Bill Hader
Eddie Murphy
Baltimore, please.
Sorry for the double post…realized you needed to post your full name.
Eddie Murphy
Baltimore, please.
Melissa Picone
Baltimore, MD please.
The only other SNL cast member to have this distinction is Eddie Murphy during the 1980-1981 season.
Eddie Murphy, baltimore MD Kellie Stritt
Eddie Murphy
It was Edie Murphy, who had that Honor !
Baltimore Market, Please !
Larry Armstead
Baltimore, MD
Eddie Murphy
Would love to take my 3yr old grandson in Baltimore! He loved the previews! Belly laughs!!
The other person was non other than Eddie Murphy
Washington DC Market
The only other SNL cast member to have this distinction is Eddie Murphy.
Eddie Murphy
Judy Russell
Dc area
Harry Shearer; some sources cite Eddie Murphy, too.
John Armstrong
Not that anyone but a geek like me cares, but…
Eddie Murphy (first episode: December 6, 1980, upgraded to repertory: January 24, 1981)
Harry Shearer (first episode: October 13, 1979, upgraded to repertory: February 9, 1980)
Eddie Murphy
DC Metro Area – Rushika Mehta
Eddie Murphy
DC market please
It was Eddie Murphy who went from a featured player on SNL to a full cast member
Eddie Murphy
Baltimore market please
Kim Bronakoski
Alisha De La Cruz
Baltimore, MD
Eddie Murphy
Perry Publico
DC Market
Poehler was promoted from featured player to full cast member in her first season on the show, making her only the third person to have earned this distinction (after Harry Shearer and Eddie Murphy).
Eddie Murphy
Baltimore market, please – thank you!
Eddie Murphy!
Summer Walter
Baltimore pleaae
Baltimore or D.C. is good for me. It was Eddie Murphy back in 1980…..
Eddie Murphy, Hanover, Gambrills or D.C. Market
Eddie Murphy
Washington, DC market
Todd Savitch
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Henri Apollon
Answer – Eddie Murphy
Answer Eddie Murphy
DC Market please
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Cristina Mendez
Washington, DC
Eddie Murphy
Chuck Haga
Eddie Murphy
Jenny Davidson
Baltimore Area
The multi-talented Eddie Murphy. DC market thank you!
Who is Eddie Murphy
Dawn Carberry
Washington, DC
Eddie Murphy
It was Eddie Murphy. Baltimore please
Eddie Murphy.
DC please
Carole Leary
Washington dc
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy,
Baltimore Please
Eddie Murphy, tickets for Baltimore, Hanover, or Hunt Valley, or Owings Mills, MD
Eddie Murphy
Baltimore please
Laura Carter, Washington, DC
Answer: Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy
DC thanks!
Teresa Newmuis: Jeff Richards
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy, Baltimore Please
Eddie Murphy, DC market please.
James Guthrie, DC MARKET PLEASE!
Eddie Murphy. DC please!
Eddie Murphy – baltimore
Devin Crawford
Baltimore, MD
Answer to the Question Above: Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy Baltimore please